Hi Everyone!


Hi Everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and to say thank you to Matush for inviting me.I am from the United Kingdom. I live in a place called Wigan. I am a Super Moderator on DVDFuzioncovers. I am also a Super Moderator on RiddickDesign and I am an Administrator on DVDCoverArt. I am also a Cover designer on these sites. Looking forward to seeing you all in the Forum.

Hi Everyone, Chcia³em tylko przedstawiæ siê i powiedzieæ, dziêkujê za zaproszenie do Matush jestem me.I z Wielkiej Brytanii. Mieszkam w miejscowo¶ci Wigan. Jestem Super Moderator na DVDFuzioncovers. Jestem tak¿e Super Moderator na RiddickDesign i jestem administratorem na DVDCoverArt. Jestem tak¿e ok³adka projektanta w tych witrynach. Looking forward to seeing you wszystkich na forum.

Hey Boney nice to see you here my friend. You'll find that the polish cover community are very friendly and talented bunch. Maybe well see one of your great designs converted to polish...I'm working on a few myself.


Hej boneapart, sie czesze ze tu jestes. Tu jest bardzo utalentowany i przyjacielska grupa. Moze zobaczymy pare twoje okladki .
Cze¶æ Boneapart, cieszê siê , ¿e siê zalogowa³e¶ u nas. Mam nadziejê, ¿e Ci siê spodoba nasza witryna i zostaniesz u nas na d³u¿ej.


Hi Boneapart, I am glad that you login here. I hope that you will like our site and you will be with us for a long time.


Hey Boney nice to see you here my friend. You'll find that the polish cover community are very friendly and talented bunch. Maybe well see one of your great designs converted to polish...I'm working on a few myself.


Hej boneapart, sie czesze ze tu jestes. Tu jest bardzo utalentowany i przyjacielska grupa. Moze zobaczymy pare twoje okladki .

Thanks SW. I like this site and I shall be converting some of my covers to Polish and eventually uploading them here.

[ Added: 9 March 2009, 12:45 ]

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and to say thank you to Matush for inviting me.I am from the United Kingdom. I live in a place called Wigan.
Hello, welcome on our site - I hope that you will enjoyed and that you will stay for long time.
I'm Slygado - temporarily from Dublin in Ireland


Maybe We should create a place, where users can upload english covers?

I think it'll be good idea.... We only need to ask admin...


Maybe We should create a place, where users can upload english covers?

I think it'll be good idea.... We only need to ask admin...

Hey! That certainly would be great. Then if any members liked the English Version, they could request that we make a Polish Version and upload it. We'll have to see what Admin thinks.

Hej! To z pewno¶ci± by³oby wspaniale. Nastêpnie, je¿eli wszyscy cz³onkowie liked wersji angielskiej, mog± wnioskowaæ o wprowadzeniu polskiej wersji, a nastêpnie prze¶lij go. Bêdziemy musieli zobaczyæ, co Administrator my¶li.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • wyciskamy.pev.pl
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